Monday, July 20, 2009

First day of chemotherapy

Today was Fez's first day of chemotherapy. It is day 8 after his diagnosis. He came to school (Ontario Veterinary College) with me and met the oncology service. The chemotherapy drug Fez is receiving is called Doxorubicin. He can only have a limited number of treatments over his lifetime - so this means likely 4 to 6 treatments total (depending on how he responds). If all goes well, his treatments will be spread out over 3 week intervals. Cats respond fairly well and tend to have fewer side effects than dogs. The most common side effects are lack of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. So far he is doing well - ate his dinner and has not vomited or had diarrhea. We will see what the next few days bring. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Something I did learn today - he may loose his whiskers.


  1. Hey Tara (and Richard),
    I think it's a great idea that you created this blog....i want to know how Fez is doing with his treatments. I think of you guys often and will keep you in my prayers, this can't be a fun experience :(
    Love lots, Lissy

  2. Thanks Liss!

    It is so nice to know that someone is reading the blog :) Fez is doing well so far. He has tolerated his chemotherapy for the last few days - so we will see how he does!


  3. So if Fez loses his whiskers, will this make him more likely to walk into things? What happens to a cat's senses if they lose their whiskers?

    Give Fez a hug for me.


  4. I don't know Laura - but good question! I will let you know if he becomes more* clumsy if he looses his whiskers.

    I will give Fez a hug for you.

